For Treatment Providers

The Westmoreland Drug and Alcohol Commission, Inc. (WeDAC), also known as the Single County Authority (SCA),  subcontracts D&A Case Management services with Southwestern Pennsylvania Human Services (SPHS) Behavioral Health. 

The D&A Case Management Unit is responsible for providing screening, assessment, and referral for treatment services to include requesting authorization of WeDAC/SCA funding for the most clinically appropriate levels of Drug and Alcohol Treatment.  They may be contacted at 1-800-220-1810 (24/7).


How Do I Get Started

Visit to find the contact information for the Case Management department in your county.

Case Management:

• Armstrong County
• Butler County
• Crawford County
• Indiana County
• Lawrence County
• Mercer County
• Venango County
• Washington County
• Westmoreland County

If you live in Pennsylvania but your county isn’t listed, please visit for information on other agencies that can help you on your path to recovery.