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Binge Drinking

Explore some the health risks of binge drinking including:

  • Unintended pregnancy
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Injury
  • Car crashes
  • Violence
  • Chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, and liver disease.


Anyone who has played a video game knows the experience can be exhilarating. It’s fun; it’s exciting, and it’s fascinating. While most of us can simply put down the video game and switch our attentions, there are some who cannot. Their personalities, histories and potentially genetic make-ups set the stage for them to become addicted to playing video games.

Video game addiction is not new, although it has surged since the Internet took hold. Now, it is possible for someone to find a game online any time of the day or night. To those with addictive personalities, it’s almost too good to be true. The problem comes when they eschew all the other responsibilities and realities of life to become “one” with the game and to gain the pleasure of immediate satisfaction through gaming.


Researchers and social scientists have been troubled by video game addictions since the phenomenon first presented itself with the advent of video games in the 1970s and 1980s. Today, the term “gaming” has become a popular term used by people of all ages, not just teens. Ironically, video game addiction isn’t just for kids, either. Adults can have just as much trouble turning away from video games as children do.

Some of the more RECENT STATISTICS INVOLVING VIDEO GAME ADDICTION are quite startling and are definitely indicators it’s time to start taking this type of addiction as seriously as other addictions:

  • In a survey, 41 percent of respondents said they play video games to escape from real life. These gamers were considered dependent on video games to avoid real life situations.
  • Multiplayer games online appear to be the most addictive types of video games, perhaps because of the illusion of community they create.
  • Students who are addicted to video games tend to score lower on their academic tests than their counterparts who are not addicted.
  • Boys are more likely to become video game addicts than girls. Girls who are addicted tend to prefer games that involve puzzles and other interactive activities, rather than violence and aggression.
  • Studies have shown the regions of the brain (the pleasure centers) that are activated in drug addicts and alcohol addicts are also activated in the regions of the brain of video game addicts.
  • In Germany, a study showed up to 3.5 percent of teenagers who regularly were on the web demonstrated some form of video game addiction.
  • A research study found that out of 7,000 self-proclaimed gamers, approximately 12 percent of them were video game addicts.

With information like this, it’s important everyone becomes aware video game addiction is not to be taken lightly.


Why do some people become video game addicts, while others seem to have no problem turning away from the game? The answer might lie in risk factors such as the following:

  • The video game addict has been sexually or emotionally abused and is trying to escape from the situation.
  • The video game addict has been bullied by their peer group and is seeking acceptance in an alternative community.
  • The video game addict is socially awkward and does not feel comfortable interacting with people in a real environment.
  • The video game addict’s parents or siblings are also addicted to playing video games, making it a family pastime.
  • The video game addict seeks out gaming as a way to show their aggression toward the world, or deal with anger.
  • The video game addict has little control in their own life, so they turn to gaming to feel confident.
  • The video game addict has lowered self-esteem and constantly uses video games to elevate feelings of self-worth.
  • The video game addict is left alone for long periods of time and turns to gaming — especially multi-player gaming — as a source of community and comfort.
  • The video game addict suffers from untreated depression and uses video games to get a “high” to combat their moods.
  • The video game addict is spontaneous and rash by nature and is unable to control their impulsivity.
  • The video game addict has a history of addiction (i.e., to work, love, drugs, nicotine).

If you notice you have one or more of these risk factors and causes of video game addictions, and you regularly game, you may already be addicted to video games. It’s important not to try to go it alone if you want to overcome this problem. Always seek out treatment from a trained expert who can guide you through the journey to recovery, including proven solutions to video game addiction.


Are you worried you, or someone you know, is a video game addict? Answer this brief assessment to help you find out:

  1. Do you play video games for hours and hours, sometimes not eating or sleeping so you can stay in the game?
  2. Is gaming more important to you than hanging out with people in “real life?”
  3. When you finish playing a video game, do you feel a sense of pleasure and want to get that “high” again?
  4. Do you have trouble stepping away from video games or stopping play?
  5. Can you leave a video game in the middle of play for an emergency?
  6. Have you ever hidden your gaming because you were embarrassed by how often you play?
  7. Have people told you that you play too many video games or you’re addicted to video games?
  8. Do you become moody or angry when you can’t play video games?
  9. Have you ever played video games when you should be working?
  10. Have you ever lost a job because you were playing video games, or you missed work because of gaming?
  11. Has gaming hurt your relationships with your loved ones?
  12. Have you spent money on gaming you should have spent on bills or paying down debt?

The more “yes” answers you have, the greater your chances are you may be addicted to video games. In that case, you deserve to get help immediately. Call a treatment center or therapist who has experience in video games addiction. You’ll be glad you took the first step toward recovery.


Because video game addiction so often happens in childhood, it’s important for parents to recognize they play a huge role in stopping video game addiction in children. Moms and dads should be ready to address this subject, and they can take several proactive steps to help their kids avoid becoming video game addicts.

If you’re a parent of a child who enjoys playing video games, or who hasn’t yet started playing video games, the following suggestions may prevent a future issue:

  • Talk to your child about the risks of video games.Make sure they understand (at an age-appropriate level) gaming is meant to be a fun activity, but it should not be all-consuming.
  • Know which video games your child is playing.Most video games are rated, but don’t assume the ratings are up to your standards. Check each game thoroughly, and you may even want to play a game with your child.
  • Limit the time your child is allowed to play video games.Some parents make video gaming only available on the weekend. This eliminates worries about gaming interfering with schoolwork or grades.
  • Make video game playing a seldom-offered reward for a job well done.For instance, if your son comes home with all “A”s on a report card, you may allow him to play a favorite video game for an extra hour or two.
  • Monitor all computer and device activity.Children who want to play video games will often sneak around. Make it a practice to check your child’s technology equipment regularly for signs of video game usage.
  • Watch for signs of video game addiction violence.If you tell your child to stop playing a game, do they suddenly lash out? When they can’t play, do they withdraw from you? This is a signal you need help right away from A THERAPIST OR TREATMENT CENTER.
  • Make your child aware of things to do other than video games.Redirect their attentions on more positive activities, such as playing outside or helping older neighbors with chores.
  • Deal with your own video game addiction and recovery.If you’re addicted to video games, it’s going to be impossible to tell your child not to play.

By being aware of what’s happening with your son or daughter, you’ll be in a much better position to stave off long-term problems associated with video game addiction.


Left untreated, video game addiction is very unlikely to go away on its own. Like all other addictions, intervention and treatment is the key to ending any cycle of abusive behavior. And make no mistake — video game addiction not only abuses the gamer, but also those around them.

The effects of video game addiction have been documented around the world:

  • Video game addicts are less likely to succeed in life.
  • Video game addicts may suffer from lifelong low self-confidence.
  • Video game addicts may never have a fulfilling career or relationships.
  • Video game addicts are at risk of depression, and potentially suicide.
  • Video game addicts are at risk of developing headaches.
  • Video game addicts are at risk of insomnia.
  • Video game addicts may become obese, which can lead to other problems, such as diabetes and hypertension.

 Society doesn’t need more video game addicts. It needs more productive people.


The treatment plans typically used for video game addicts will vary according to the person being treated. However, there are some steps habitually used by therapists who are focused on working with this type of addiction:

  1. The behavior is stopped.This is called going “cold turkey” in some circles, and it can cause significant withdrawal symptoms. When accompanied by therapy, the withdrawal can be controlled.
  2. A plan of action is created.This plan includes a listing of the triggers associated with video game addiction. For instance, an addict may find they play video games when they are stressed out. Thus, the next time the person is under serious anxiety, they can recognize this as a trigger and do something different and healthier, such as going for a walk, calling a friend or journaling.
  3. Daily schedules and routines are developed.Having a daily routine can be an asset to video game addicts because their days are mapped out. When they are just beginning treatment, this can be a powerful ally in keeping them focused on getting better and not turning to gaming.
  4. Ongoing therapy sessions are scheduled.Therapy is essential to overcoming addictions, including video game addictions. Therapy sessions will help restore self-confidence and allow the addict to move past whatever was holding them back.
  5. Group sessions may be prescribed.These sessions are similar to AA meetings, where each member of the group expresses support for the others dealing with an addiction.

Other forms of treatment that may be utilized or suggested could be rewards for not playing video games, art therapy and music therapy. Depending upon the video game addiction level, inpatient treatment centers may be a better fit for the addict, even if the addict is a teenager.


Relapsing is a commonplace phenomenon in the area of treatment for video game addiction. A relapse can be considered part of recovery, however, and not an end to it. As soon as the relapse has occurred, it’s necessary for the video game addict to return to their treatment center or therapist. The faster a relapse is evaluated, the sooner the addict can continue toward complete recovery.

If you’re the parent of a child or teen who has undergone treatment for video game addiction, and you suspect a relapse has occurred, do not hesitate to take action. You may feel uncomfortable confronting your child with your suspicions, but it’s better to have an awkward conversation than to enable them to experience a full-blown video game addiction again.


There’s an old saying: “Once an addict, always an addict.” If this statement is to be taken conclusively, it means someone who has been diagnosed as a video game addict should avoid video games in the future. Even one video game session could lead to a relapse.

The good news is UNLIKE FOOD ADDICTS WHO NEED TO EAT, video game addicts do not have to play video games. Of course, for kids who are addicted to video games, not gaming may mean not going to social events like parties and other celebrations where gaming will be available. This is similar to the practice of alcoholics not going to functions where alcoholic beverages are likely to be served.

In general, it’s best if the video game addict never returns to gaming. That way, they have a much better chance of beating the addiction completely.

What You Should Know About Marijuana Concentrates/ Honey Butane Oil

Last Updated: Friday, February 21, 2020


Honey butane wax

What are Marijuana Concentrates or THC Concentrates? 

A marijuana concentrate is a highly potent THC concentrated mass that is most similar in appearance to either honey or butter, which is why it is referred to or known on the street as “honey oil” or “budder.”

What Does it Look Like?

Marijuana concentrates are similar in appearance to honey or butter and are either brown or gold in color. The different forms includehash or honey oil (a goey substance)wax or butter (soft, lip balm-like substance), and shatter (a hard, solid substance)(See photo gallery at the bottom of the article)

What are the Street Names?

710 (the word “OIL” flipped and spelled backwards), wax, ear wax, honey oil, budder, butane hash oil, butane honey oil (BHO), shatter, dabs (dabbing), black glass, and errl.

How is it Made?

One popular extraction method uses butane, a highly flammable solvent, which is put through an extraction tube filed with marijuana. The butane evaporates leaving a sticky liquid known as “wax” or “dab.” This method is dangerous because butane is a very explosive substance. There have been explosions in houses, apartment buildings and other locations where someone tried the extraction. 

How is it Used?

It’s used a few ways:

  • Infusing marijuana concentrates in various food or drink products
  • Smoking remains the most popular form of ingestion by use of water or oil pipes or heated in a glass bong.
  • Electronic cigarettes (also known as e-cigarettes) or vaporizers. Many users of marijuana concentrates prefer the e-cigarette/vaporizer because it’s smokeless, odorless, and easy to hide or conceal. The user takes a small amount of marijuana concentrate, referred to as a “dab,” then heats the substance using the e-cigarette/vaporizer producing vapors that ensures an instant “high” effect upon the user. Using an e-cigarette/vaporizer to ingest marijuana concentrates is commonly referred to as “dabbing” or “vaping.”

What are the Effects of Using Marijuana Concentrates? 

Marijuana concentrates have a much higher level of THC. The effects of using may be more severe, both psychologically and physically. 

For more information, see the downloadable pamphlet on marijuana concentrates. Sources: “Marijuana Extracts,” National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA); “Marijuana Concentrates,” Drugs of Abuse – DEA.

Images of Marijuana Concentrates

Family Support Services for Addiction ActThis legislation is called the Family Support Services for Addiction Act. And its existence is huge! Why?

It means the message is finally getting through that FAMILIES — not just the person with the substance use disorder, but their FAMILIES — need help, too.

What Will the Family Support Services for Addiction Act Do

According to the Center on Addiction and Partnership for Drug-Free Kids’ advocacy letter, the Family Support Services for Addiction Act will…

…fill a gaping hole that exists at the federal level for addiction resources by providing family programs with support and funding for their critical services. 

Too often, when families are struggling with substance use disorder, they are told to kick their loved one out of the house and let them hit “rock bottom.” … Rather than being told to wait passively for the illusive “rock bottom” moment, families need to be supported and empowered with tools so that they can be part of the solution. 

Family support services include family training and education, family therapy, systems navigation to help families locate or access resources, crisis and/or loss and grief support. The evidence is strong, that when family members are involved in their loved one’s treatment, outcomes are better. 

Why Should There Be Help for Families Struggling With Addiction

Because the kind of help the family needs is far beyond “attend a 12-step program for families.”

family support services for addiction act

Families Struggling With Substance Use Disorders Need Specialized Help

As I wrote in my post, “Secondhand Drinking and Why We Must Prevent It,”

Newly published research in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (1) estimates roughly 53 million adults experience “secondhand harms” caused by someone else’s drinking. These secondhand harms, now being referred to as secondhand drinking, include being harassed, feeling threatened or afraid, being physically harmed, or having family or marriage difficulties. These kinds of harms occur when a person drinks more alcohol than their liver can metabolize, causing the excess ethyl alcohol chemicals to change normal brain functioning. These brain functioning changes result in drinking behaviors like those just described.

Taking into account the children and others also affected but not included in the study, this figure rises to almost 80 million. These nearly 80 million Americans are the wives, husbands, moms, dads, children, brothers, sisters, parents, grandparents, grandchildren, boyfriends, girlfriends, and close friends who are affected by secondhand drinking.

While I applaud the fact this kind of study has been done, it only measures the obvious manifestations – namely the drinking behaviors. As horrifying as these are, the problem of secondhand drinking goes far, far deeper. This deeper problem is toxic stress.

[Note: the concept of secondhand drinking applies to those who are affected by a loved one’s other drug use behaviors — i.e., secondhand drugging.]

Toxic stress is what happens when our fight-or-flight stress response is repeatedly triggered trying to cope with a loved one’s drinking or other drug use behaviors. It causes a host of physical and emotional health consequences like migraines, stomach problems, muscle aches, and sleep difficulties. Toxic stress also causes headaches, anxiety, depression, difficulty concentrating, racing heartbeat, and skin problems.

Beyond the physical and emotional health toxic stress consequences are the mapped “fight-flight-freeze” stress reactions and coping behaviors a person develops in order to deal with and protect themselves from the drinking or other drug use behaviors. These reactions and coping behaviors, in turn, affect a person’s personal, work, school, social, family, and community interactions in ways that are little understood and too complex to explain in this post.

Click here to read the this post in full.


What Can You Do

Sign the letter urging your Congressman/woman or Senator to support this legislation. The Center on Addiction and the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids have made this easy to do — simply click here.

For additional information on the Family Support Services for Addiction Act, please click here.

Lung Injury Associated with E-cigarette or Vaping Products

CDC, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), state and local health departments, and other clinical and public health partners are investigating a multi-state outbreak of lung injury associated with e-cigarette product use, or vaping.

Learn More

Benchmark Youth Drug Use Survey Finds Marijuana Vaping Has Doubled, Daily Use Significantly Increased

By January 30, 2020      Uncategorized

Daily marijuana use and marijuana vaping has significantly increased in the last year according to new data from the largest, most comprehensive drug use survey of students in the United States. The 2019 Monitoring the Future survey, compiled by researchers at the University of Michigan and funded by the National Institutes of Health, is the benchmark for student drug use in the country.

According to the survey, marijuana vaping among 8th, 10th, and 12th graders has more than doubled since 2017 and daily marijuana use among 8th and 10th graders has seen a significant increase since 2018. More than one fifth of 12th and 10th graders reported using marijuana in the past year and the doubling of past month use in high school seniors constitutes the second largest one-year increase in drug use recorded by the Monitoring the Future survey.

While marijuana use rates remain stubbornly high, use rates of other drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes have experienced consistent declines.

“This survey is an astonishing reflection of the failure of marijuana normalization and commercialization to keep our kids safe,” said Dr. Kevin Sabet, president of Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM) and a former three-time White House Drug Policy Advisor. “These are some of the largest increases ever recorded, and it is clear marijuana promotion driven by today’s for profit pot industry is to blame.”

Today’s marijuana is especially harmful to adolescents and is known to have a whole host of damaging effects on developing brains. Adolescent marijuana use severely impacts the ability of our youth to learn, greatly increases the risk of serious mental illness, impairs memory, and can even result in a loss of up to eight IQ points.

What’s more, an epidemic of a potentially fatal lung illness known as EVALI is overwhelmingly being caused by marijuana vaping products, including ones purchased from “legal” sources. Despite this, fewer young people perceive harm from using marijuana.

“We are no longer looking at the weak weed of Woodstock. Today’s super strength pot is highly addictive and the latest Big Pot innovation – marijuana vaping products – are causing fatal harm,” continued Dr. Sabet. “We call on lawmakers, the media, and the general public to heed the science and put the wellbeing of our young people first by rejecting the promotion and expansion of marijuana commercialization.”